Please Consider Becoming a Supporter!
Help us with our goal of raising $75,000!
We have already raised $25,450. Thank you!
Your support enables us to license rare film footage, which is often over $50 per second!
Supporters will be listed in the film credits and companion book!
Your credit can also be IN HONOR OF or IN MEMORY OF a loved one.
Please CONTACT us if you wish your film/book credit to be other than your name.
$100 Community Supporters receive:
DVD and streaming link
$250 Silver Supporters receive:
2 DVDs and streaming link
$1,000 Gold Supporters receive:
4 DVDs and streaming link
$5,000 Platinum Sponsor:
Contact us if your company/organization is interested in becoming an underwriter/sponsor!
Donations via check:
Sharkey Productions
357 North Road
Hurley NY 12443
Thank You Supporters To Date!
Gold Sponsors
In Memory of Darren Bohan
Gary and Dale Bohan
Mike and Johnette Reilly
In Memory of Marjorie Huling Reilly
Silver Sponsors
Kevin Beard
Perry Beekman
Mike Bohan
Kathleen and Bill Cloonan
Diane Dudzinski
Anne and Russ Glass
In Memory of James Lee Kamen
Paul O'Neill
John Vincent
The Wurtz Family
Community Sponsors
Paul Andreassen
Charlotte Arnold
Gail Bernard
Paul Brazier
Jack Creviston
D&H Canal Historical Society
Jane Davis
Glenn Dickson
Teresa Dwyer
Brad Ellenberg and Family
Richard Friedman
Merryl Goldberg
Hurley Senior Citizens
Kara Keene
Henry Lowengard
The Rev. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Mackey
Jennifer and Ray Mayday
Karen Miller
Linda Queipo
In Honor of Bibi Sandstrom
Daniele Sarkisian
Ron Sigal
Letitia Smith
Michael Solow
Andrew Strauss
Ulster County Historical Society
Kathleen Wade
Mike West